"Gail and Marshall are knowledgeable, caring, masterful teachers. They are sensitive to individual needs. They know how to adapt the moves if need be.
"Gail and Marshall are inspiring and encouraging. It is a gift to be their student!!"
- M., Winnipeg
"A very intelligent and gentle exercise program that is not dependent on one's history of athleticism and health.
"The instructors are strong communicators and very sensitive in understanding the needs of every student as demonstrated how they respond to individual questions.
"As the classes evolved, the therapeutic value of QiGong began to emerge"
- H., Winnipeg
"Gail's YouTube video is very well done.
"Thank you for being so patient and giving of your knowledge and time. I'm very thankful to have happened upon your classes!"
- A., Winnipeg
"Thoroughly enjoyed these lessons - on to 200 hours! of practice. Thank you so much!"
- C., Winnipeg
"You are the dynamic duo of teaching QiGong! You are both excellent teachers, tuned in to your students.
... a lovely, relaxed, and gentle atmosphere which was conducive to learning QiGong. Your generosity in teaching, even serving tea and taking such good care of your students, created a real feeling of community."
- M., Winnipeg
"... a great team, complementing each other with instruction and example."
- E., Winnipeg
"With severe musculoskeletal problems and arthritis, I have suffered with pain and stiffness. I cannot tolerate exercises with impact or straining, or aqua-size classes in cold swimming pools.
"QiGong offered me focused, slow, gentle movement. I gave it a try and am amazed at the improvements I feel. I can now stretch, reach, bend, shoulder check, move smoothly and comfortably. It has changed my life".
- G., Winnipeg
"I benefitted from both a mental and physical workout."
- S., Winnipeg
"... benefits to my balance, walking, stairs, breathing, strength... I was encouraged enough to keep going at a time when I wasn't feeling great. I made mental and physical progress. This was great for me."
- R., Winnipeg
"... benefit: physical meditation... Your twosome worked well to illustrate and explain."
- F., Winnipeg
"Gail and Marshall are thorough in their instruction. The classes are relaxed and fun and there is never pressure to push beyond what one's body can do. They will always take the time to answer questions and will stay past the end of class to respond to students. They are knowledgeable as well as open to sharing their own experiences with QiGong. I found it reassuring to hear that it took months for their bodies to do what they did... they are both incredibly flexible and strong!"
- P., Winnipeg
"Excellent class. I am so glad I registered! ... The many healing benefits..., particularly increased lung capacity and being able to run farther without fatigue. Glad I didn't know at the start of the classes that I would be learning to stand on foot; that may have scared me away! :-) "
- B., Winnipeg
"My overall health has greatly improved. My diabetes is under better control and my balance is improving."
- R., Winnipeg